Fight Against Global Warming

In the fight against global warming, thermal insulation is critical to energy conservation and serves as a barrier to heat during warmer temperatures and the cold in cooler months. Installing insulation in your commercial building can significantly reduce your energy costs and save you money. Keeping your building properly insulated helps you fight rising energy costs and prevents weather damage due to moisture and bacteria.
Common signs of improper insulation include high energy bills and structural damage from moisture. Don't incur unnecessary costs and damage when thermal insulation solutions are readily available.
Protect yourself inside and out
Your building should be insulated both on its exterior and interior, to maximize the protection that thermal insulation offers. Insulation board, cavity wall insulation, foil insulation and foam insulation are all thermal insulation materials that can be used on or in your building structure, providing you with a number of solutions that can be used in multiple locations.
Start at the top
Your roof serves as the primary defense in protecting your building from the elements of weather. During summer months the temperature on your roof can easily exceed 100 degrees, and that's in the shade! Heat reflective paints and membranes are commonly used on the exterior surface of roofs to protect them from heat damage and high temperatures. Heat reflective paints not only lower the external temperature of roofs, but also deflect harmful ultra-violent rays and can repair minor to moderate existing roof damage.
Look within
Installing thermal installation in your building shouldn't end with your roof. Foam insulation is typically dispensed using specially made tools that spray the foam, which then fills-in cavity walls and seals in air. The foam contains polymers that expand and will fill-in even the most air tight spaces. This type of thermal insulation is ideal in eliminating weather and water damage from wind and rain.
Insulation board is another economical and easy to use insulation product that can be used throughout your building. The rigid panels add thermal insulation and added strength by reducing the conduction of heat that can be transferred through other structural materials such as steel and wooden beams.
Thermal insulation is a great way to reduce your energy costs and protect the structure of your building for many years to come. Don't let nature have its way with you, install thermal insulation throughout your building and reap the benefits of its protection.

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Basic Materials
Thermal Insulation in Science Projects
Ductwork Insulation Holds in Savings
Cold Storage Rooms Insulating Panels
How to Insulate Attic Flooring

Cavity Wall Insulation GRANTS & Loft Insulation GRANTS